How Soon Can a Doctor Detect Pregnancy by Pelvic Exam?

Wondering “how soon can a doctor detect pregnancy by pelvic exam?” Read on for your guide to pregnancy detection!

A missed period is often the first clue that you might be pregnant. Sometimes, symptoms such as headache, fatigue, breast tenderness, or even nausea or food aversion can occur before a missed period. If you are trying to conceive you may be particularly aware of every possible sign and want confirmation as soon as possible. Are you wondering, “how soon can a doctor detect pregnancy by pelvic exam?” Here we will look at pregnancy detection and how tests and exams work. 

At Lona Sasser Obstetrics and Gynecology, your health is our top priority. We offer an array of gynecological services for patients of all ages in Coral Springs, FL.

To make an appointment, you can easily book online or give us a call at (954) 340-1050.

Pregnancy tests

All pregnancy tests look for a particular hormone in the urine or blood that is only present when a person is pregnant. It is called hCG, or human chorionic gonadotropin. Once a fertilized egg implants in the uterus, the body starts producing hCG, which increases with each day you are pregnant. 

Home Pregnancy Tests

Home pregnancy tests are inexpensive and easy to get. Many people rely on them to find out whether they are pregnant. But how long do you have to wait to take a home test for a reliable result?

Because hCG increases in your body over time, the earlier you take the test there is less hormone present to detect. Plus, the amount of hCG in the urine is different for every person. So, while some people taking a home pregnancy test will get accurate results as early as on the day of the a missed period, you can’t really be certain.

It’s important to know that positive results are more likely to be accurate than negative results, especially if the test is taken early. Waiting one week after a missed period will usually give a more accurate result. But you really want to be sure. To confirm pregnancy, it’s best to see your doctor. 

Blood tests

Blood tests can detect hCG and accurately determine if you are pregnant about six to eight days after you ovulate. 

If you think you may be pregnant, you can reach out to your doctor for these labs. If a home test says you are pregnant, you should call your doctor right away for confirmation.

Keep reading for the answer to “how soon can a doctor detect pregnancy by pelvic exam” and what that involves.

How soon can a doctor detect pregnancy by pelvic exam?

If you are wondering “how soon can a doctor detect pregnancy by pelvic exam?” you may be expecting a pelvic ultrasound or exam as part of your pregnancy confirmation.

So, how soon a doctor can detect pregnancy by pelvic exam? A pelvic exam can show physical symptoms consistent with pregnancy around 6 weeks after a missed period. However there can be other causes for these signs, which is why pregnancy is almost always confirmed by lab tests.

During a pelvic exam, the doctor will look for changes in the uterus, cervix and even the appearance of tissues in the vulva as probable signs of pregnancy. 

An ultrasound can confirm early pregnancy. Ultrasound uses waves of sound to form an image. Ultrasounds are used for a lot of things including confirming the pregnancy and estimated due date.

A transvaginal ultrasound is most likely to be used in the first trimester. It uses a wand placed into the vagina. Transabdominal ultrasound, often used later in pregnancy, places the wand to the abdomen to get an image.

If you are anticipating pregnancy or have symptoms before six weeks, the best course of action is probably to request a blood test at your doctor’s office. But, as with all things concerning your health and your body, speak to your practitioner about what’s right for you. 

Compassionate care

We are here to support you. To make an appointment with Dr. Lona Sasser Obstetrics & Gynecology, you can easily make an appointment online or give us a call at (954) 340-1050.



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